Collections of random cool links I’ve stumbled across.

Kerberosity Killed the Domain: An Offensive Kerberos Overview: Kerebos authenication is hard to understand, but this article is easy to read. It features very pretty pictures and is easy to understand. It is a good read for anyone looking to understand kerberos related offensive security techniques.

How Developers Stop Learning: Rise of the Expert Beginner: A blog post that explains how some people can lose the will to keep learning.

Tell HN: The loneliness of a pretty good developer: I have seen people complain about feeling incompetant at their job. It is interesting to read about someone with the opposite problem.

How to feel engaged at work: a software engineer’s guide: Not completely sure how most of the sugestions make one feel more engaged at work, but all the suggestion are fun.

A dev’s thoughts on developer productivity: I have not read this, but the graphs look very nice.

GTD in 15 minutes – A Pragmatic Guide to Getting Things Done: I have not read this, but the pictures look very nice.